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1st/2nd Grade Girls:
Team selections for 1st and 2nd grades will be made by the age group Director or after an evaluation day in order to split teams as equally as possible.
1st/2nd Grade Boys:
Team selections for 1st and 2nd grades will be made by the age group Director or after an evaluation day in order to split teams as equally as possible.
3rd Grade Girls and Boys:
The 3rd grade teams are formed by conducting an evaluation. The evaluation is a short session with players participating in a series of practice drills and scrimmages. Once evaluations are completed the coaches will gather and draft their teams based on the evaluations.
4th Grade Girls and Boys:
The 4th grade teams are formed by conducting an evaluation. The evaluation is a short session with players participating in a series of practice drills and scrimmages. Once evaluations are completed the coaches will gather and draft their teams based on the evaluations.
5th Grade Girls and Boys Teams:
6th, 7th and 8th Grade Girls and Boys Teams:
5th-8th Grade: The number of teams in an age group is dictated by the number of players who register for each grade level. The 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade levels teams are formed by conducting a Tryout. When a sufficient number of interested and talented players try-out, teams will be tiered to form a “Team-1” and “Team-2”. The number of teams formed at each grade-level shall be determined at the discretion of the 5th-8th Grade Director and Coaching Director in conjunction with the evaluators.
The team skill and competition level in tournaments will be decided by the 5th-8th Grade Director, Coaching Director and Coaches involved at each grade level.
Even though there may be multiple teams at a grade level, it does not mean the teams will be formed by tier. Teams could be made into equal-based teams based upon the discretion of the 5th-8th Grade Director and Coaching Director in conjunction with the evaluators.
Participants cannot play on more than one ZYBA team simultaneously.
*2024-2025 Season update: ISD 728 has decided to implement a new permitting system. They indicate the practice allotments will be similar to previous years. ZYBA will work to keep within the allotments listed above, however, depending how the new system works, deviations could occur.
Zimmerman Youth Basketball Association
P.O. Box 111
Zimmerman, MN. 55398
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